Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beautiful Heartbreaking Human

It grew on crooked lumber and broken glass
It grew in potholes and highway divides
It grew in sidewalk splits and rusted drains
It will grow. Trust this. It will grow. Whatever we plant will grow, so make it worthwhile.

Our love and California poppies line the sides of the road and fill the spaces between hope and grief.

We must carry grief, gratitude, and grace. And we must do it humbly and nobly.
There is no greater gift and pain than the opportunity to be human.
There is no task more important.

Give your heart to itself and to the world. Learn the dance of space between and fill it. Keep your bones in your skin and keep your skin a part of humanity.

Believe in magic. It is the only thing that will carry you through. Bend your knees and say thank you, and then rise to your feet and give it all back.

The world is in the palm of your hand. It was placed there gently the moment you took your first breath.

We must carry grief, gratitude, and grace. And we must do it humbly and nobly.
There is no greater gift and pain than the opportunity to be human.
There is no task more important.

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